Who are this year’s winners?

Congratulations to the winners of the 13th Bulgarian Creative Writing Competition! And to everybody involved – participants, teachers, judges – thanks for making BCWC awesome!

This year’s wining works all shared vivid imagination, love for words, curiosity and fearlessness. The awarded students transported us to their inner worlds and gave us hope for the future using their unique voices. Their confidence was contagious and we wanted their stories to never end. As always, it was a real pleasure and a true inspiration to be a part of their imaginary worlds.

13th BCWC National Winners – CLICK HERE

Over the weekend our national judges assessed the works of all 126 national qualifiers and selected this year winners! They followed their passion for writing and reading as they traveled through the universes created by the students’ imagination. It was an honor to have such talented individuals on our team and we are truly grateful for their time and effort! Some of our judges shared how they felt about the experience:  

Wow, truly incredible! One of them actually moved me to tears. I feel so grateful to have this opportunity, so thank you! – Jeffrey Weinshenker

I do have an absolute favorite and it is the best I have ever read in this competition! Thank you for inviting me to participate again! It is always very inspiring! – Nadia Zaharieva

This piece was outstanding! It is a good hypothetical construct with existential implications. The author challenges us to consider and possibly re-evaluate the fundamental scaffolding of every human life. – Ivo Ivanov

Very intimate piece of writing, very honest, multilayered emotional read! The details are the plot! And although it might be perceived as an excerpt from a book chapter, the story has a very intelligent gradation and a delicate twist! – Gergana Paraskova


The Award ceremony will take place on February 11th, 2023. We will contact the winners with more details.

Stay tuned, we will be sharing the winners’ works on our website soon!

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