Театър с кауза
Каним ви на театър с кауза! На 8 ноември (сряда) от 19:30 ч. в Сити Марк Арт Център (бул. „Янко Сакъзов” №30) ще се посмеем заедно на авторския моноспектакъл на Димитър Живков – „Живак“. След постановката ще си поговорим на
The Storycatchers – 13th BCWC Award Ceremony
On February 11th, 2023 in Toplocentrala Centre for Contemporary Arts we celebrated the creativity and perseverance of this year’s winners! All attendees relished the opportunity to meet other young writers and exchange ideas and inspiration. We were honored to share
Who are this year’s winners?
Congratulations to the winners of the 13th Bulgarian Creative Writing Competition! And to everybody involved – participants, teachers, judges – thanks for making BCWC awesome! This year’s wining works all shared vivid imagination, love for words, curiosity and fearlessness. The
And the 2023 national qualifiers are…
Congratulations to all participants in the 13th edition of the Bulgarian Creative Writing Competition! It is always a pleasure to be part of your creative thought process. For a third year in a row, Pakistani students expand the writing realm