Bulgarian Creative Writing Competition

2021 National qualifiers

First of all, we would like to congratulate all 2330 participants in the 11th Bulgarian Creative Writing Competition! Welcome to the participants from Pakistan who joined our colorful gang and brought new characters, images, emotions, plots!

In the past 10 days our 48 judges were fully immersed into the lively worlds that our young authors created. The worlds populated with pencils suffering from hostile sharpeners, bees who fight to get back their skills and knowledge for the sake of humanity, robots thirsty for love and many others.

Difficult as it was, the judges selected the following 126 national qualifiers, who will advance to the national round of judging on January 30th:

11th BCWC National qualifiers

And here are some interesting facts for the fans of statistics:

  • Schools Participating: 126
  • Number of participants: 2330
  • Schools with the largest number of participants: СМГ „Паисий Хилендарски, София – 57; ЧСУ „Св. Георги“, София – 56; ПМГ „Яне Сандански“, Гоце Делчев – 51; ПГ по механоелектротехника и електроника, Бургас – 45; 32 СУИЧЕ „СВ. Климент Охридски“, София – 43; ЧПГ Американски колеж „Аркус“ ЕООД, Велико Търново – 42; 2 АЕГ „Томас Джеферсън“, София – 41.
  • Schools with the largest number of national qualifiers: ППМГ Бургас – 6; ЧСУ „Св. Георги“, София – 5; СМГ „Паисий Хилендарски“, София – 4; АЕГ „Гео Милев“ Русе – 4; ЕГ „Пловдив“, Пловдив – 4.
  • 9 students from Pakistan qualified for the national round of judging

Special thanks to our fantastic preliminary judging panels who worked tirelessly to read and rate more than two thousand pieces of writing! You rock!

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